I made my 1st Thanksgiving Dinner
I had been planning on cooking for 1-2 people. Then this morning I learned that the Dining Hall would not be opening. The people that I work with had planned on eating there and now would not have a place to have Thanksgiving Dinner. So I invited them to have dinner with me and I started to make a few extra side dishes.

I made pumpkin-cream cheese pie, a small turkey, citrus-green beans, mac-n-cheese, cheesy-ranch mashed potatoes, spinach dip, turkey gravy and Hawaiian bread. Then we had some cranberry sauce to complete the Thanksgiving-ness.
My friend and co-worker, Kelli and I carted the food down to the lobby of the community center and set the table with a table runner and flame less candles. Officer Evans, two CAs, one of the CA's boyfriend, a resident, Jonathan, and I all had dinner together. It turned out pretty good too.
Here are some pictures of the food before I took it downstairs: