Guys and backpacks
When Jonathan and I started dating (4 1/2 years ago) he always carried a backpack (aka: man-purse.) At first I didn't mind, especially when we weren't dating. Later, I started to pick on him. Shame on me. I haven't seen the back pack in a long time.
Now that I work downtown with all of the 'important' people in suits, I'm surprised at how many men and younger guys I see wearing suits and carrying backpacks.
I love it! It gives me something to smile about in the morning as I ride up the escalator behind them.
I see it as a statement that says, "I DO have a life outside of this place and I DO like to do fun things that require a backpack and I AM NOT TOO PROUD to carry my bag of choice."
So dear, you can start carrying your back pack again. I might even give you a kiss for it.
Now I can only pray that these people actually get to leave work behind at 5pm and have time to use that backpack for better purposes.