Abbi's Hot Chocolate
Years ago, when Abbi and I were freshly hatched friends, she warmed me a cup of hot chocolate when I visited her house. Since then, I've raved about it to Jonathan.

So when the prospect of a Christmas party came up, Jonathan requested Abbi's hot chocolate.
Well, Abbi made it for us and I loved it all over again. But now I have the recipe and am ready to make it myself.
If you want a thick, rich, cocoa-chocolately hot chocolate, here is the recipe.
In a small-medium pot, mix and melt the following ingredients:
1-bag milk chocolate chips
1-large bottle of whipping cream
Sugar to taste
Then, as if it weren't sweet and creamy enough, add some home-made whipped cream.
Just whip whipping cream until thickened and mix in sugar.
Yum yum yum.