This is me
doing laundry on a Thursday night.

Ending a 5 year relationship and turning 25 is hitting me hard.
There I said it. Raw. Open. Bare.
The thought of my future husband missing out on these years of my prime make me sad. Not having someone else to notice my life makes me want to chronicle my days so that they don't go unnoticed.
In my hopes, I will show these pictures to my future husband and kids. That way they will know the me--before them.
Now my job is to make it something worth showing.
Ending a 5 year relationship and turning 25 is hitting me hard.
There I said it. Raw. Open. Bare.
The thought of my future husband missing out on these years of my prime make me sad. Not having someone else to notice my life makes me want to chronicle my days so that they don't go unnoticed.
In my hopes, I will show these pictures to my future husband and kids. That way they will know the me--before them.
Now my job is to make it something worth showing.