Me Day

I took the day off of work today!

Woooo hooooo!

I feel free! I haven't been able to lie in bed with the sun shining on me and day time TV on since college! This is the life! How do I sign up to live this life on a more regular basis?

Today i am going to get a pedicure and head to the beach. I took today for myself so I can think, plan, set goals, and remind myself of what I want/where I am going.

As of right now, I know my goals will include:
-getting involved with my church. (Going to Singles Sunday School and finding somewhere to serve!)
-applying for and beginning the Teacher Certification program
-having a daily time with God and His word. I used to do this and oddly it seems like my life went off track when I stopped. in doing this, I hope to also constantly remind myself to submit to His will. Let's face it, my will has not worked out so well. I am not in control, and even if I were, I imagine I'd make a mess of things!
-figuring out my niche in life and figuring out a way to make a career of it.

I'm going to take my bike to the beach and ride among the seawall, then I'm going to rent a beach chair and umbrella and think, read, and write. The day won't be all alone time though, I'm going to end the day with dinner with a new friend in Galveston.

So with that, time to get out of the sheets...and maybe put them in the washer. When was the last time I changed them? Over 2 weeks for sure. Ew.


Ericka said…
Heather, you always make me smile when I read your blog. Let me know next time you are going to Galveston and I'll join you. :)
Heather said…
You better hold true to the promise! I need to come see you guys soon. I need to see the baby birds, Oliver's new home, and the grapes! Lots of love!