Because of Zoey, I now know:
-the apartment complex has the grass cut every Tuesday.
-the way the sun looks at 6:50 am as it cuts through the trees.
-it is plausible to mop the bathroom floor every day.
-Enzo from "The Art of Racing in the Rain" was right when he said that dogs could rule the world if they only had opposable thumbs. Translated: Dogs are much smarter than they are given credit for.
-people moving in upstairs sounds like thunder.
-people who have kids or enclosed dogs, should not be long-distance commuters. Commuting is time that could have been spent with them.

-(clean) dogs make kids and adults smile.
-people are more likely to approach you or start talking to you if there is a sweet puppy by your side.
-having a dog as a traveling companion is a lot like traveling with an infant. You must pack something for them to drink, eat, and poop in. (Sorry, it's true.)
-it is a great feeling when your dog is happy. It makes all of the other times worth it. And if this is true with a dog, I can only imagine what it will be like to see my future kids happy. And on a larger scale, when God sees us, His people, in His will.
-it is nice to have a 'wheaten greetin'
-having a bed partner isn't so bad either.