New Shoes

See my new pair of shoes?

Guess where I got them.


The store?


An old friend?


My granny?


A new friend that I met a church today?

Ding ding ding.

Well, there you have it. I went to a the new church again today and tried the Singles Sunday school. At lunch, one of the guys mentioned my "round and shiny shoes", which led to a conversation with a new friend and me receiving these great new brown shoes! They were too small for her and she'd been looking for someone who would put them to "good use."

For those who encouraged me to try Sunday school, thanks for the encouragement. Keep praying that I'll go where God wants me.



Teresa said…
How awesome! Free cute shoes and a new friend, sounds like a winner to me! :)
Candace M said…
Hey girl this is candace! Lol I love that I try to find you on facebook but it gives me your blog instead and to what do I find those awesome shoes! I am glad you like them so much and I hope you keep coming to our church it has made a world of difference in my life :) I realize I didn't get your number mine is 832-814-9390 and my email is maybe youll have better luck finding me by my email on facebook lol.
Heather said…
@ Candace: Oh my goodness! We can't find each other on Facebook but you can find my blog! I guess I should have told you there was a chance the shoes could end up on my blog. ;)

I'll go look for you on FB now!