I've been wanting to blog on the subject of grace for a while now. I haven't yet because I feel inadequate at getting the words just right. Now that we're a week from Good Friday, its a perfect time to be reminded of what grace means.
I have a wonderful friend at work who is very encouraging and always believing through faith that good things are to come my way. *For an example, read the bottom of this post.* When she would tell me the good things that God would do, I'd give her an awkward smile that said 'I don't want to be rude to you, but I'm not too sure about that.' My thinking was that those good things are for the righteous, holy, and blessed. I knew I didn't meet that standard, so gave up on believing God would do good for me. Needless to say, this was a very depressing time. Then, one night while I was reading my bible before bed, I came across a fundamental truth of my faith: "Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation..." (Colossians 1:21-22). I was done reading at that point. I had something to ponder. Through Christ's death, I am now holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation for all my shortcomings and sin! I'm blameless. Therefore, those promises are for me! After this re-realization, I was so thankful and ready to praise God. How amazing is it that God would see me as holy-something that I do not deserve. Then it hit me. It's amazing grace.
A few weeks later I was driving my little sister and two cousins to the beach for Spring break. As we were getting close to Houston, we started talking about being gracious people. I took the opportunity to ask them if they knew what grace and mercy meant. They went around the car and shared what they thought each meant. Then I shared with them the following:
-Mercy is not receiving something bad that you deserved.
-Grace is receiving something good that you don't deserve.
To let it be real to them, I gave an example of mercy. "Let's say I was going 80 mph and the speed limit was 60 mph. A cop pulled me over but didn't give me a ticket. I was speeding, so I deserved a ticket. That's mercy." As the words left my mouth, I noticed a cop underneath 610 with his radar gun pointed my direction. I was going about 80 in a 60. He didn't get in his car and come after me. After a few seconds of panic, we all burst into laughter. The kids were convinced that had I not been telling them that story, I'd been pulled over. Either way, it was pretty funny.
Grace. God's grace through Christ's death 2011 years ago is enough reason to be thankful. When people say that "God's grace is enough," this is what they mean. Even if I weren't given any other blessings in this life, His grace and forgiveness that gives me access to him now and forever, is enough. How amazing.
*Example of my friend's beliefs for good things for me: My friend is especially believing that I'm going to meet my husband soon. She's on the lookout for him. Luckily, she completely gets my type. But so far every guy that she gets excited about is married--and in the spotlight. The first one was the lead singer from the band Tenth Avenue North (love him!). While he was speaking at a concert she looked at me like, he's perfect for you. Then he mentioned his wife. Bummer (as if we were going to coffee afterwards!). The next guy was the youth pastor at her church. She said she tried to get to him one Sunday at church so she could tell him about me, but there were too many people around him. It wasn't until later that I remembered that she goes to the nation's largest church. A few days later she realized he is married. She seemed so disappointed. The next guy was another Christian band member. Apparently we had both listened to his interview on KSBJ that morning. When I got to work she said, "I thought I found the perfect guy for you." *rubbing my hands together with eagerness for what she's going to tell me* She started telling me about the things this guy had said and how wonderful he was. It sounded awfully familiar--just like the things I had heard on the interview. We had a girly-excited moment when I let her know that I had heard the interview too, and that his words had melted my heart and made me think, that's the kind of guy I want to marry! He was married. It gives me such great hope that my friend would imagine that these types of guys would ever have interest in me. I automatically assume I could never meet the criteria of these great leaders and lovers of Christ. I write it off as wishful thinking. But my friend believes fully that if she could have them meet me, the story would be written. I love her. ;)
I have a wonderful friend at work who is very encouraging and always believing through faith that good things are to come my way. *For an example, read the bottom of this post.* When she would tell me the good things that God would do, I'd give her an awkward smile that said 'I don't want to be rude to you, but I'm not too sure about that.' My thinking was that those good things are for the righteous, holy, and blessed. I knew I didn't meet that standard, so gave up on believing God would do good for me. Needless to say, this was a very depressing time. Then, one night while I was reading my bible before bed, I came across a fundamental truth of my faith: "Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation..." (Colossians 1:21-22). I was done reading at that point. I had something to ponder. Through Christ's death, I am now holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation for all my shortcomings and sin! I'm blameless. Therefore, those promises are for me! After this re-realization, I was so thankful and ready to praise God. How amazing is it that God would see me as holy-something that I do not deserve. Then it hit me. It's amazing grace.
A few weeks later I was driving my little sister and two cousins to the beach for Spring break. As we were getting close to Houston, we started talking about being gracious people. I took the opportunity to ask them if they knew what grace and mercy meant. They went around the car and shared what they thought each meant. Then I shared with them the following:
-Mercy is not receiving something bad that you deserved.
-Grace is receiving something good that you don't deserve.
To let it be real to them, I gave an example of mercy. "Let's say I was going 80 mph and the speed limit was 60 mph. A cop pulled me over but didn't give me a ticket. I was speeding, so I deserved a ticket. That's mercy." As the words left my mouth, I noticed a cop underneath 610 with his radar gun pointed my direction. I was going about 80 in a 60. He didn't get in his car and come after me. After a few seconds of panic, we all burst into laughter. The kids were convinced that had I not been telling them that story, I'd been pulled over. Either way, it was pretty funny.
Grace. God's grace through Christ's death 2011 years ago is enough reason to be thankful. When people say that "God's grace is enough," this is what they mean. Even if I weren't given any other blessings in this life, His grace and forgiveness that gives me access to him now and forever, is enough. How amazing.
*Example of my friend's beliefs for good things for me: My friend is especially believing that I'm going to meet my husband soon. She's on the lookout for him. Luckily, she completely gets my type. But so far every guy that she gets excited about is married--and in the spotlight. The first one was the lead singer from the band Tenth Avenue North (love him!). While he was speaking at a concert she looked at me like, he's perfect for you. Then he mentioned his wife. Bummer (as if we were going to coffee afterwards!). The next guy was the youth pastor at her church. She said she tried to get to him one Sunday at church so she could tell him about me, but there were too many people around him. It wasn't until later that I remembered that she goes to the nation's largest church. A few days later she realized he is married. She seemed so disappointed. The next guy was another Christian band member. Apparently we had both listened to his interview on KSBJ that morning. When I got to work she said, "I thought I found the perfect guy for you." *rubbing my hands together with eagerness for what she's going to tell me* She started telling me about the things this guy had said and how wonderful he was. It sounded awfully familiar--just like the things I had heard on the interview. We had a girly-excited moment when I let her know that I had heard the interview too, and that his words had melted my heart and made me think, that's the kind of guy I want to marry! He was married. It gives me such great hope that my friend would imagine that these types of guys would ever have interest in me. I automatically assume I could never meet the criteria of these great leaders and lovers of Christ. I write it off as wishful thinking. But my friend believes fully that if she could have them meet me, the story would be written. I love her. ;)