Behold, He is doing a new thing!
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do
you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the
desert. –God (Isaiah 43:19)
Rewind to October of last year. I had signed up to
participate in the MS 5k—as a walker. I remember seeing others running, and feeling inadequate/insecure (I’m not really sure what word I’m looking for; I just
know that I felt like the runners were better than me and were doing something
I’d never be able to do. I’d always be the walker watching the runner wishing I
could be like them.) Add to that, I was in a dead-end relationship hoping with
all my strength that if I worked hard enough and prayed long enough, it could
be saved. So there I am in the heart of Houston with my long-term boyfriend and
my new dog at an exciting event to raise money for MS research. It should have
been a joyful day. But if I were to show you the pictures from that day, you
wouldn’t pick up on feelings of love and joy. You would see smiles and eyes
that were trying and tired of trying--especially if you saw the pictures of my ex.
MS Walk 2010 |
Now fast-forward to this October. I ran my first 5k on
Saturday morning. What a difference a year makes. Instead of walking this 5k, I
RAN it! It was full of hope and prayers for those dealing with breast cancer
and it was run with a new friend that God strategically put into my life. Where
last year’s 5k was walked with a burdensome hope for myself, this year’s was
ran with a joyful hope for others.
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After running my first 5k in Oct 2011 (it was a little windy!) |
At the beginning of 2011, God told me to move to Houston.
I was feeling the lead, but kept putting it off. (I was scared.) Then the pastor of my old church preached on going when
God tells you to go. He shared how in Joshua 1, God told Joshua to pick up
where Moses left off, and to GO lead the people across the Jordan River into
the promised land. In the first chapter of Joshua, God told Joshua THREE times
to be strong and courageous—and go! This sermon solidified what God had been
telling me.
So here I am in the city that God called me to. There’s
been pain—deep pain. But God is revealing himself and his word to me more and
more. He has changed my hopes. But mostly he is making it all easier. Work
still requires more energy than I sometimes think I have. People still test my
nerves and break my heart. Dust still falls on the dresser that I dusted a few
days ago. But somehow, it’s easier.
This past week I started reading my new pastor’s book
“Finding God’s Will.” In chapter 2, he gives the illustration of a 6 mile Fun Run
in which the pace car made a wrong turn, resulting in a 9 mile run for about
300 hundred runners. He says, “We can do the same thing following our own plan
and running in our own strength. Trust me. You don’t want the responsibility of
keeping life ignited by your own efforts. You will waste your strength running
the wrong course. A listening ear beats swift feet every time.” The point of
the chapter is that “God’s power always accompanies God’s will.” So when I say
it’s easier, what I’m referring to is God’s power that is accompanying his will
in my life.
Jesus said for all
of us who are weary and burdened to come to Him, and He would give us rest. In
the same passage (Matthew 11), He said, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is
light.” This has been highlighted in my Bible for years, but it wasn’t until
the other day that I realized what Jesus was talking about when he said yoke.
Ever heard of a yoke of oxen? A yoke of oxen is two ox that have been yoked
together—or connected by a piece of wood that fits over their necks. I’m not a
farmer, but I imagine that the yoke keeps the oxen going in the same direction
while plowing. So I think what Jesus was saying is that being attached to him and
going His direction is easy. [In saying this I worry that you may think that
there are no difficulties or trials for Christians. That is not the
case—actually the Bible tells us that we’ll have trials in this world and that
the world will hate us! I feel like I've had more trials than most non-Christians. Believe me, I've cried lots of tears and felt tremendous heartache. But somehow, it’s all easier! I don’t know how to
explain it. And you won’t understand unless you’ve experienced it. But for
those who have experienced God’s strength and help, you’re likely nodding your
head as you read this.]
All of that to say, praise God for bringing me through
these trials. For in them, He is reminding me that He loves me more than I love
myself, and that He is good. He is my Counselor, Shield, Protector, and Father. My prayer these days is, “Lord, I’m where you told
me to go. Now what do you want me to do? Who do you want me to serve? Whom do
you want me to help and love?”
Like Moses when he saw the burning bush (a sign from God), and like Ruth
when she met Boaz (her future husband), I’m going to go about the work and
things that God has already told me to do, and trust that he’ll show me my next
One of my favorite quotes was found during that time.. "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly."
You are beautiful, sweet & smart! What a beautiful picture from this years race. The picture is even glowing! :)