Sea Turtle teaser

Hawaii '09, originally uploaded by HNClassic.

Here is a teaser of the pictures from Hawaii.

The rest will come with time. (And a program that will allow me to upload as many as I want...quickly.)


Mills said…
nice! did you tweak it at all?? looks really awesome...

I use flickr. I love it. they have an uploader you download that lets you batch upload all your pics into albums, tag them, resize them, re-name the, etc. For pro accounts, there is no storage limit. I'm not sure what the free account limits are. Maybe 500mb? But, if you re-size them all, you should be able to fit them all in....
Heather said…
You tell me now. ;)

I reached the limit in my first batch. I stayed up late last night uploading pictures to an online Picasa albulm where there is no limit.

I didn't tweak the turtle pic. It was just that awesome in person.