lost and found

Transferring my pictures and music to my new mac was not as simple as I thought it would be.

I just assumed that all of my pictures were transferred, but after going through them I realized that there are several missing. The same for my music. As the songs were being added to the iTunes library there was a pop-up saying that the HD couldn't save the songs. (Or something like that.) It seems like it is going to take a lot of time to see what is missing. 

But, while going through the pictures I found two that I have NEVER seen before!

Here is one of them: Me cleaning the windshield on our way back home from Spring Break in Florida in 2007!

Abbi, Erica...which one of you took this picture?


Erica said…
You don't remember that picture? I do. I don't remember who took it, but I've definitely seen it before. ACtually, I'm pretty sure I have it on my computer.