
Everyday when I get home I check my email. Usually when I see how many unread messages I have I feel overwhelmed until I look at each of them and realize that it is something that I signed up for. 

Tonight I finally decided to unsubscribe to the emails that only make me waste time by clicking and deleting. Thankfully, it is easy to unsubscribe. Scroll to the bottom of the email and click where it says unsubscribe. Some are links and take you to a website where they ask you WHY you are removing your email from their list. Victoria's Secret even gives you the option of receiving only 1 email per week. 

For me it is good-bye to:
Focus on the Family
4 Wheel Drive
Barnes & Noble
Victoria's Secret

Consider it the same as cleaning out your closet. Less hassle!


Lindsey said…
haha! I have to do this too sometimes. I don't know why I sign up for some of the things I do, thinking I'll use it or something. It made me chuckle when you had the 4 wheel drive one (I know you drive a jeep and all, but still!) It is very much like cleaning out the closet!
Heather said…
I know. Who would have expected 4 wheel drive?

Let's just say I completely ignore those!