Saturday Vacation
Erica and I took the top off the Jeep and headed down 45 to Galveston where we met up with our old friend (think high school-three bff's) who now lives there and seems to have made a great life as a real estate agent.

While on the beach, I heard at least three kids cry to their moms about jelly fish stings. So if you go to Galveston and are brave enough to get in the water, be ready to treat the pain.
A family that was next to us had caught a jelly fish in a sand-pail. Look at the little minnow that's following the jelly around.
Later, the family left and gave us their rented umbrella and chairs for the next two hours. By that time I was ready for some shade so I was SUPER thankful. I had already burned my back (where my hands failed to put sunblock) while reading. I realized that I would grin or laugh or touch my chest with sympathy while I read. I normally read at home so I don't notice what I do because there is no one around to see.
And just for you, here is a snap of my view on Saturday:
We ended the day at The Strand where I took some photos I really wanted to share, but my computer is saying that it doesn't recognize my memory card for those photos. Hopefully, I'll get them soon.