1 month
We made it.
1 month.

1 month ago today I met Zoey. I was just going to meet her and see if I thought we would be a good match. There was no promise that she was going to come home with me. But once I saw her, I never considered leaving without her.
In the beginning J compared her to Max from The Grinch. Furry, sad, ears down low, but still sweet. On day 3, after she wouldn't eat her food, we took a group trip to Petco to let her pick out a food that she would eat. While there, J's mom was scanning through a book about adopting pets. She read, "an adopted dog's personality probably won't be revealed for a few months after coming to live in their new home." That was so true. I've seen an evolution in my dog. And I imagine it will only get better! (As long as the storm monsters stay away!)

Today while walking her I realized that I've felt much more fulfilled since I've had her. I think I need something to take care of/pour myself into. The last few years of my life I had work and college to pour myself into. And then for the last year and half, there has just been work. Which was kind of depressing by itself.
Now I have Zoey to keep me busy. And I'm very thankful. Just another one of those blessings from God that I couldn't have written better.