Happy girl?
Why is that my girl wants to be playful after she's gotten in trouble? It seems like the worse the punishment, the more eager she is to play. Does she know that playing makes me happy, and she's trying to compensate for making me upset (by playing in the trash)?
I got the trash together so I could take it to the dumpster. Then I went to my room to touch up my pedicure. I heard something. Coming from the dining room. Not Zoey eating. Not Zoey playing with her bone. Ah. The trash! I put the nail polish down and rushed to the dining room in time to catch her in the act and spanked her rear end. (Don't worry, it wasn't too hard!) She ducked her tail and head, and went to my room, even glancing back at me with big eyes. After a few minutes I called her from underneath the bed for some lovin'. She kept rolling over with her mouth open and responded to my every move. So I introduced the LION that she hasn't played with since I washed it after bringing her home. (The LION came with her from her foster home. I didn't wash it at first and she played with it all the time.)
In order: under the bed pouting, playing, and being a happy girl. Is she a masochist?
