Crazy ugly-baby dream

Last night I had a dream that I had a baby. I think the dream included childbirth (which wasn't bad at all). The weird thing was that I kept thinking, 'but I don't remember being pregnant!?'.

The 'kid' came and was the ugliest thing I ever saw. It kind of looked like this:
I don't think it had arms or legs. And its head was oblong-not vertically, but horizontally!
And to make matters worse, it was a BOY! (yeck!)

When I realized I didn't have baby toys, I turned the other way and let the 'baby' fall out of it's bouncy chair. I think it did more of a slither than a fall. (I'm guessing it was lacking bones too.) All along, Jonathan was playing video games. I asked him to watch the baby while I went to get some baby toys and he said he was too busy (staring at the tv).

I finally got a rattle for the poor ugly thing and it giggled. So I considered starting to like it.
Later in the dream, I was really loving this little thing (it didn't hurt that it had grown human characteristics including arms and legs.)

Once again I asked Jonathan to help me with something. He said he was too tired and was going home. Which from the way I reacted, I assume was home with his parents.

What do you think this means?


Erica said…
We already talked about one aspect of the dream.

The other thing I find interesting is that it became more human the more you liked/loved it. Or did you like/love it more as it became more human? Just a thought.
Heather said…
I loved it more as it became more human.