1st Visit

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
-Hebrews 10:24-25

Today I did it. I visited one of the city's mega churches. And although it was quite large, it still felt like one body. I looked around wondering how there were so many people in one room, but yet it didn't feel like we were separated by space, cliques, or age. Neither did it feel like a show. I've been to shows.

This morning while thinking about blogging my experience, I struggled with how honest to be. Should I share my weaknesses and fears? Finally, I decided I should. At work I always say, "I'm honest" or "I'll tell you how I feel about it" or "I don't care about being politically correct." So keeping with the way I try to live everyday, I'll be honest here on Classic Heather. I think honesty helps us to connect. And maybe someone reading will relate because they've been here too. And just maybe, we can encourage one another.

I'd been hoping for a church that had a Singles group where I could 'belong.' Upon a friends advice, I decided to check out today's church. Last night in my excitement, I planned to go to Singles Sunday school this morning, but as it turned out, I only had so much bravery for trying new things alone. Instead I slept in a little longer and only went to church. Next week I'll be a big girl and go to Sunday school too.
And now for the part I wasn't sure if I should share. I've never been baptized. I know that Christ has forgiven me and now lives within me. When I was saved in Jr. High, there was a distinct change in me and my desires. Yet, I also know that this is something that the Bible calls Christians to do. It is a symbol to the world that the old me has died and the new me in Christ has been born. I wanted to be baptized while at the church I've attended for the past two years, but I had a fear. An unjustifiable fear, but still a fear. Its common for the family and friends of individuals being baptized to stand for the baptism as a sign of support. It is hard to get my family to commit to and attend just about anything. I didn't want to be the person with no one standing in support. Therefore, I never obeyed. So much for the song that I've sang with great intentions, "Although no one go with me, still I will follow." That's hard stuff. To admit not obeying the Word of God!
But I share this with you so that you can see my relief to find the church I attended this morning. Two girls from the Singles group were baptized this morning. And guess who was standing in support of them. The ENTIRE gynormous Singles group! Not only did they stand, they cheered and celebrated the obedience of their friends! That is community. That is something worth cheering for! That support makes me want to be brave and walk into a room full of strangers next Sunday and say, I want to join you. I want to walk this walk with you. I want to encourage you. I want you to encourage me. Let's seek Jesus together.

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
Hebrews 3:13


Teresa said…
That sounds like a great place to be. I will be praying for you next week to have courage to do what you feel like you are supposed to do!
Victoria said…
Wow..I'm proud of you! I have actually never been baptized either. I will pray for you!
Heather said…
Thank you guys! Lots of love to both of you!
Vicki, you should come with me.