Aww...I like this Jake guy.
I just turned on The Bachelorette.
Jake wants a wife that is his best friend. He has a passion for his career as a pilot. And look how adorable he is. That's coming from a girl who doesn't normally fall for blondes. (Don't worry, Dear. Here 'fall' means: 'find adorable.')
The guy they showed before Jake (Greg) was a jerk. He'll go home soon if Jillian has any sense at all.
I don't normally watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette, but I need something to look forward to when I get home. I started working in a new group today at work and didn't leave 'til 6:00. I know they often work late and take work home. I've decided to work as if unto the Lord and go after it. But one day (when no longer my own bachelorette) the hours will have to be normal again.
As I am watching this, I find it so strange that people on this show are hoping to get married so soon, and to a stranger. What a concept.
The one's who say, "I'm ready to get married" are in their late 20's/early 30's. Isn't it amazing how God puts that desire within us? (Or most of us.) Why is that, other than so the earth remains populated? Is it because men weren't meant to live alone? We were meant to have a helper? Or....(from last night's Home Improvement) that we want to leave a legacy.
Maybe they should rename the Bachelorette, The Legacy.