Dream purpose
I've thought of dream jobs over the past few years, but when I'm really honest, none of those were IDEAL. My failures and inadequacies were always considered before coming up with jobs such as a wedding planner, interior designer, accounting teacher, & college professor. I figured these jobs I could do if I devoted myself completely to them. *I'd still love to be a wedding planner though!!!
Early-on I wished to do something related to families. When I took Intimate Relations (the study of relationships and family) as a freshman I thought it would be SO cool to study families and relationships and be able to help people make theirs better. Immediately I realize I can't do this because I can't keep my own relationships pointing north.
I've been thinking lately about how painful sin is. Sin is painful to the ones who love the sinner, who are effected by the sinner, and eventually to the sinner. In a larger realm, you realize that God is included in the category of "the ones who love the sinner." Use the analogy of a parent seeing their son/daughter destroy their lives. The parent wants to step in and make it all stop and point them in the right direction. So, how much more would God want us to change our ways and quit hurting ourselves and others?
I say all of this to point out that the only way for relationships to be improved is to mind God (in other words, avoid sin.) That's the solution for relationships. If only we were capable of applying it.
Ponder this:
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. -Ephesians 5:33
Emmerson Eggerichs has written a book on this subject and also leads conferences. For those of you who are in serious dating relationships, have sons, daughters, moms, dads, or are married, consider how that person feels loved and recognize when they don't....when they aren't respected or loved.
A moment of praise: Lord, what a great command! You told the guys to love us! And you told us to respect them. What a pretty picture.