The following story is brought to you by my little sister. I was going through my keepsake chest and found her typed story. Sadly, I don't remember seeing it before. I'm sure she wrote it and gave it to me beaming with pride. As a selfish 17 year old, I likely corrected it or just sat it aside. Sorry, sister. Now I've read it and love it!

Lacie ___ _______
March 2, 2002

10,000 years ago dinosaurs were invinted . Long neacks ate leaves and they were strong. Dinosaurs. Meat eaters ate meat onley . And they were not tha strong.But I can tell you a lot about meat eaters. Meat eaters ate other dinosaurs. When they are asleep you donot want to mess with them. Dinosaurs live by vullcanos . Meat eaters can see veary good. Dinosaurs lay eaggs. There are dinosaurs that can fly. That dinosaur is not mean at all. They have fuzzy skin. They have a small brain. He eats flowers.
They eat veary slowly hey coudint land 65 mesallons of years ago. THere is this dinosaurs that have strips. Some dimosaurs live on the vollcanos . A meat eater is bigger than the vollcano. Meat eaters are not scared of any thing. Some dinosaurs are nice or mean. The dinosaurs that fliys don't look mean. Meat eaters will eat any thing. Try searurtops is meaner than meat eaters . Meat eaterseaters will eat a car to get meat. Meat eaters areveary veary mean trust me. Dinosaurs can not nock down a tree.Dinosaurs can be a mother. Butthjey ant bigger than Clifford the big red dog.

Wow, what a difference 9 years make. My little sister now has her room packed for college and will be moving next week. She tries so hard to be strong--and is strong. I wish someone had made it clear to me in 2002 that my sister was precious and that I should have praised her and loved her for all that she was. When I left for college in 2003, I never realized that I wouldn't be coming back to a little girl sister, but a big girl sister. She grew up while I was away doing my own growing up. Tonight as I've been cleaning I've come across pictures from our childhood. Where she is giggly and sweet in the pictures, I am impatient and trying to look mature. I wish I could have had the wisdom I have now, then.

Lacie, I am proud of you. I love you. I know you are about to make a big step into a life that will produce great things. I have been and will be praying for you. I wish to be more like you (well, maybe not your fashion tastes of basketball shorts and cowboy boots, but in the other things that matter.) Please be safe at college. Learn all that you can from your professors and books. Study. Make friends. Have fun! I am proud of you for who you are, and proud of who you will be.

Your big sister


Lacie said…
Wow, my spelling in that was so horrible! Plus I kept stating the same thing over and my sentence structue, wow! Lets not even go there! I spelt very like "veary" all the way up to my junior year! I was so embarrassed! I love you! You're a wonderful sister!