
Stripping the tables did not go as quickly as I thought it would. They are bare on the top but some of their legs are still painted. The parts of the legs that aren't painted look like they have a white glaze on them. 

Mr. Martin told me, "It is a process." I don't think I like processes. I want to be Samantha from bewitched. 

I didn't get to stain the chair either. Someday soon I will do that.

This morning I woke up with stomach cramps. Stupid stomach.  But I also woke up thinking that it will be good living with Erica.

Then I started thinking of packing up everything. I need to start today. I have so much stuff!


Erica said…
I'm not sure why waking up with cramps made you think that living with me will be good. I can't do anything about cramps!! lol

Don't forget that we still have the table to do too.