When is it ok?

I am confused by age.

When is it no longer okay to be living like a working-college student? When is too young to start living as adults?

Who said my friends could be getting married and having babies? I was just on MySpace looking at a college friend's honeymoon pictures from Fiji. Who our age goes to Fiji? Why couldn't I see the pictures as real instead of pretend? By pretend I mean that I saw it as them just playing the role; as in 'this is what we would do if were to go on a honeymoon.' [Think Michelle pretends to get married on Full House.]  We are too young to be in Fiji on HONEYMOONS! Only adults go on honeymoons. But then I think it is strange when 'old' people get married and go on honeymoons. 'They are too old.'  So when is it okay? What is the window of age where I am okay with people getting married?

Another example: I see myself as the young college-grad starting out in infancy at the workplace. (Because that is what I am.) But then I realize that a girl I work with, who I look up to, is younger than me! And get this....getting married to a guy in his mid thirties. And I am okay with that. For her it is just fine. Because in my eyes she is in 'that stage.'  

Maybe it isn't age at all, rather the stage that you are in.  And right now, my stage feels like college with a pay check.


Lindsey said…
Heather, from experience, since I'm one of those that is already married...it's okay, when you are okay with it. Meaning, when you are ready, you know in your heart. I know I was young when I got married (a mild 22) but to me that's young to be married. Never in a million years did I think that I would be married by then...I was thinking I would be doing good by the age of 35. You will know when it is the right time for YOU! Now, I'm no where near ready for kids...so I'm holding that off for as long as possible...I would wait until I'm 40 if my husband was up for that! :)

It's really funny that you blogged about this, because Kurt & i were just talking about this the other day. I have a senior in highschool that is engaged. :/
Heather said…
Wow. Senior in high school. I remember being there and determined to get married. Now I look back realizing that would have been near impossible!

It sounds like y'all are doing really well. :)
From what I hear, you should enjoy EACH OTHER as much as possible before the age of 40 when you're having kids.

But, that is only what I hear.

I know nothing. But that is okay because it means i am still young!