Evil personified

You don't realize how evil evil is until it touches your life. I know people suffer from much worse everyday, but that doesn't help me understand why someone would do this.
This is what I found after a bad day of work:

After my aunt's suggestions of something to take the edge off, Erica made me a strawberry something. As I laid in bed I noticed there was a heart of strawberry seeds on the cup.


Erica said…
It was just strawberry and vodka. I didn't have any lime to mix with it.
Mills said…
heather noooooo!

i had this happen too pretty recently. i hate that feeling. why people feel the need to take something that does not belong to them i can't understand :( I'm so sorry.

Where was it parked?
Heather said…
It was parked at our apartment. Jerks.